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33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 21 2007 at 09:59 PM

  Have you watched the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'? If you did what do you think, is humanity going to end in around 10 year because of extreme weather, floods, etc.?
34 / Female

Rank: Regular
Posted: February 21 2007 at 10:17 PM

  not in 10 years.. but eventually i think so!
38 / Male

Rank: Regular
Posted: February 21 2007 at 10:21 PM

38 / Male

Rank: Regular
Posted: February 21 2007 at 10:22 PM

  Arctic ice could disappear in summer by 2040: study
Last Updated: Monday, December 11, 2006 | 5:16 PM ET
CBC News

Global warming could melt almost all of the ice in the Arctic during the summer months by the year 2040, according to a study to be published Tuesday.

If greenhouse gases continue to build at their current rate, the study found, the Arctic's ice cover would go through periods of stability followed by abrupt retreat.

The top image, based on simulations produced by the Community Climate System Model, shows the approximate extent of Arctic sea ice in September. By about 2040 (image at bottom), the Arctic may be nearly devoid of sea ice during the late summer unless greenhouse gas emissions are significantly curtailed. (UCAR)The top image, based on simulations produced by the Community Climate System Model, shows the approximate extent of Arctic sea ice in September. By about 2040 (image at bottom), the Arctic may be nearly devoid of sea ice during the late summer unless greenhouse gas emissions are significantly curtailed. (UCAR)

One simulation projects that by 2040, only a small amount of perennial ice would remain on the north coasts of Greenland and Canada during the summer months.

This would be a more dramatic change in Arctic climate than anything we've seen so far, according to McGill University professor Bruno Tremblay, one of the study's authors. And it would also have a profound impact on global warming around the world, he said.

"Open water absorbs more sunlight than does ice," Tremblay told CBC News Online. "This means that the growing regions of ice-free water will accelerate the warming trend."

"The melting of polar ice creates a positive feedback loop, Tremblay said. Higher temperatures means less ice, and that means more sunlight is absorbed by water, which in turn raises temperatures. This will lead to an accelerated change in climate in a very short time, Tremblay said."

You know, I am sort of having mixed feelings about it. I really believe we need to do something about greenhouse gases and take care of our planet.

On the other hand, we are also still coming out of an ice age for the first time in recorded history. There is evidence that the Arctic was in fact, at one time before the last ice age, a tropical zone.

So my own debate is, is this caused by us or is this actually a natural state that we are going through? I am very concerned about greenhouse gases for sure and of the general health of our planet, but also too it may in fact be a natural occurance...
37 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 21 2007 at 10:32 PM

  who cares the world is ending now!! enoy ur life now you might not be here in 20 yrs
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 22 2007 at 05:16 PM

  yah that movie was very interesting and i was quite shocked, but like every natural system i think the earth will pull off a few tricks to make sure it survives. Just like the human body fights off diseases naturally.
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 22 2007 at 08:24 PM

  Quote: MadV
  Arctic ice could disappear in summer by 2040: study
Last Updated: Monday, December 11, 2006 | 5:16 PM ET
CBC News

Global warming could melt almost all of the ice in the Arctic during the summer months by the year 2040, according to a study to be published Tuesday.

If greenhouse gases continue to build at their current rate, the study found, the Arctic's ice cover would go through periods of stability followed by abrupt retreat.

The top image, based on simulations produced by the Community Climate System Model, shows the approximate extent of Arctic sea ice in September. By about 2040 (image at bottom), the Arctic may be nearly devoid of sea ice during the late summer unless greenhouse gas emissions are significantly curtailed. (UCAR)The top image, based on simulations produced by the Community Climate System Model, shows the approximate extent of Arctic sea ice in September. By about 2040 (image at bottom), the Arctic may be nearly devoid of sea ice during the late summer unless greenhouse gas emissions are significantly curtailed. (UCAR)

One simulation projects that by 2040, only a small amount of perennial ice would remain on the north coasts of Greenland and Canada during the summer months.

This would be a more dramatic change in Arctic climate than anything we've seen so far, according to McGill University professor Bruno Tremblay, one of the study's authors. And it would also have a profound impact on global warming around the world, he said.

"Open water absorbs more sunlight than does ice," Tremblay told CBC News Online. "This means that the growing regions of ice-free water will accelerate the warming trend."

"The melting of polar ice creates a positive feedback loop, Tremblay said. Higher temperatures means less ice, and that means more sunlight is absorbed by water, which in turn raises temperatures. This will lead to an accelerated change in climate in a very short time, Tremblay said."

You know, I am sort of having mixed feelings about it. I really believe we need to do something about greenhouse gases and take care of our planet.

On the other hand, we are also still coming out of an ice age for the first time in recorded history. There is evidence that the Arctic was in fact, at one time before the last ice age, a tropical zone.

So my own debate is, is this caused by us or is this actually a natural state that we are going through? I am very concerned about greenhouse gases for sure and of the general health of our planet, but also too it may in fact be a natural occurance...

Its actually Antartica thats melting.
37 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: February 23 2007 at 08:53 PM

  uhm i actually do think there will be a lot of severe weather changes but personally i thibnk by 2040 scientists will find something to do something with the green house gases or something like or even if most of the planet will be flooded a lot of humans survive and maybe this is not happening due to the fact that there are a lot of fossil fuels that are being burned and the gases burn our ozone layer...i just think our planet is too old and this is how the end of the planet should be, because every planet has to die when it gets old just like any living thing in the world so eventually the planet will explode and those little stupid idiots that kill people over money will be nowhere
33 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 24 2007 at 06:12 PM

  LMAO i cant WAIT TILL till global warming:p
34 / Female

Rank: Regular
Posted: February 24 2007 at 06:36 PM

  Quote: FrUiTyRuTi
  LMAO i cant WAIT TILL till global warming:p

36 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: February 24 2007 at 07:07 PM

  fuk man where all gona die and we cant do nuttin about it so stop bitchin and enjoy life....
35 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: February 24 2007 at 11:44 PM

  Yo why are you bitching where all going to die the ice is malting and shit!!
dont worry the global worming yes its partualy coused by the gasses but also from the gas flashes on the sun!!! the same thing was 150 year back and this will stop in couple of years!!! so no worries boys and girls!!! the only thing you have to worry about is that some shit crashies into the earth or the sun will stop glowing give the earth the hit thats all!!!
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 25 2007 at 04:45 AM

  Quote: FrUiTyRuTi
  LMAO i cant WAIT TILL till global warming:p

its already started lol
33 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 25 2007 at 12:42 PM

  Quote: TOLSTI
  fuk man where all gona die and we cant do nuttin about it so stop bitchin and enjoy life....

well unlike some people i dont want to die in my 40's....i wannu retire!!! whats the point of working ur ass off if ur gonu die b4 u reach 65??? retirement is when ur life actually begins!
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 25 2007 at 01:21 PM

  Quote: xxbeautiful7
  Quote: TOLSTI
  fuk man where all gona die and we cant do nuttin about it so stop bitchin and enjoy life....

well unlike some people i dont want to die in my 40's....i wannu retire!!! whats the point of working ur ass off if ur gonu die b4 u reach 65??? retirement is when ur life actually begins!

no man....adolescence is the best time of your life!!! dont waste these yrs thinking ur gonna start having fun when ur 65.... its not the same.. what if u dont get to live till ur 65 AND u didnt experience whatever u wanted to....tfu tfu tfu, i wish u a long healthy life. but just saying dont put things off for the future when u can be doing it now.
48 / Female

Rank: Newbie
Posted: February 25 2007 at 08:42 PM

  why don't we all stop talking about wat's gona happen and take action now, try to solve the problem.
39 / Male

Rank: Newbie
Posted: February 25 2007 at 09:42 PM

  Quote: A_n_d_r_e_i
  why don't we all stop talking about wat's gona happen and take action now, try to solve the problem.

Because it would put all of us into an economic poorhouse. You can't start slapping regulations on the most revenue-generating (and thus taxable and job-providing) organizations in your country and expect everything to be hunky-dory. If you ask me, they should have started regulating 30 years ago, and if they did, we'd have hydrogen/electric/[insert-clean-fuel-here] cars and power plants.
35 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: February 27 2007 at 09:35 PM

  Quote: A_n_d_r_e_i
  why don't we all stop talking about wat's gona happen and take action now, try to solve the problem.

Will never happen
48 / Female

Rank: Newbie
Posted: February 28 2007 at 08:11 AM

  of course it will never happen because we will never really try....or maybe until its too late
34 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: March 18 2007 at 09:03 PM

  were all going to die
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