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How to get a profile on tmeet?
You must sign-up and get an account in order to get a profile on tmeet. Once you’re a member, you can access your profile by typing in http://<your username>

How do I update my profile information?
Once you log in you can manage your profile and account by clicking “Edit My Profile”, or by using the “edit” buttons on your profile.

Can I change my username?
You are unable to change your username after sign up due to security reasons.

Can I change the design of my profile?
You can use the HTML box in the “Edit My Profile” to add custom elements to your profile.

What is popularity?
The popularity number indicates the number of people that have you in their public favourites.

How can I delete my account?
You are currently unable to delete your account due to security reasons.

How do I post a shout on someone’s profile?
Type your message under the shout window and click “submit”. You must be logged in.

How do I send a private message?
Click on the “send a private message” button in the profile of the person you want to send the message to. You must be logged in to send private messages.

How do I add people to my favourites list?
Click on “add to favourites” on the profile of the person you want to your favourites. You must be logged in.

How can I delete shout messages posted in my shoutbox?
When logged in you may use the DELETE button to remove specific shouts.

What is a blog?
A blog is your personal journal that is seen by every user that visits your profile.

How do I post blogs?
You are able to post and manage blogs on your profile via “Edit My Profile”. You must be logged in.         

What is the html box?
An html box is an IFRAME that can be enabled from the “Edit My Profile”, which would allow users to add html to their profile .You must be logged in to create or edit your own HTML box.
WARNING: Any malicious code posted through the HTML box will result in your immediate termination from tmeet, as well as your profile being reported to the appropriate authorities. Malicious code includes posting your own advertising, opening pop-up windows, any communication that may be considered as “spam” (at the discretion of the tmeet administrators), as well as pictures or links that violate copyrights, patents, criminal codes, or other applicable Canadian laws.

How do I change my password?
You may change your password in the “Edit My Profile” when logged in.


How do I add pictures to my profile?
You may upload picture by going to Edit My Profile > Add / Remove Pictures.

What is the maximum amount of pictures allowed?
The maximum pictures are allowed at this point is 500, excluding the main picture.

What kind of pictures can I upload?
You can upload images that are a maximum size of 800kb and of JPG format.

How do I find out if my picture is a JPG?
Right click the picture and click properties, under image type, you can see if it’s a JPG. If you mistake, our automated system will not accept your picture, and it will tell you so.

How do I convert pictures to JPG?
Go to start > run > mspaint, then click file > open (find your file), then click file > save as > (save type as: JPG) > save.

Private messaging

How many messages can I have in my mailbox?
You may have a maximum of 100 messages in your mailbox.

How long do viewed messages stay in my mailbox?
Viewed messages will stay in your mailbox for a period of 7 days.

How do I block certain demographics from messaging me?
You may setup mailbox filters by clicking Edit My Profile > Mailbox Options.

How do I block specific people that have messaged me?
You many block specific people if they message you, by clicking block, under their message.

How do I unblock specific people that I previously blocked?
You may edit your block list by clicking Edit My Profile > Mailbox options. You must be logged in to access this feature.

How do I reply to a message?
To reply to a message, you simply click the reply button under the actual message within the message window.


What is sorting by “popularity”?
Popularity is the number of people that have you in their public favourites. This option sorts your search results by popularity, descending (i.e. highest popularities first).

What is sorting by “last login”?
This option gives you the ability to sort the search results by the latest login (users that logged in most recently will be displayed first).


How do I post images that I have found on the web?
Insert the image source into your message then highlight it --> click Img.

Can I have html in my post?
No you may not add html code to a post as it wont work (html is disabled on the forum for security reasons). You may instead use “bbcode”.

What are some common “bbcode” commands?
[b]<text>[/b] – bold
[i]<text>[/i] – italics
[u]<text>[/u] – underline
[url]http://<a website>[/url] – Link to a website
[img]<link to an image>[/img] – displays an image

Where can “bbcode” and smilies be used on the site?
“bbcode” and smilies can be used in Private Messages, on the forum, in the blog comments, and in the “About me” description.

Technical Questions

What browsers are supported?
Tmeet supports the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and most other major browsers.

What is the best resoltution to view tmeet at?
For optimal results, use the1024x768 resolution.

What operating systems are supported?
Any operating system that can run any of the aforementioned browsers is supported.

Do I need JavaScripts? Cookies?
Yes and yes. Make sure JavaScript and cookies are enabled in your browser.

Is it safe to accept cookies from tmeet?
Yes. Our cookies are used only to remeber your login information while you're on the site. They do not store passwords or any other private information.


Nothing happens when I click "Private Message Me", "Add To Favourites", "Report Profile", and/or a user's picture!
Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

I successfully logged in, but the site is not letting me see any member features!
Make sure cookies are accepted by your browser. This can be in the broswer settings or in the firewall settings.

When I log in, I get redirected to the main page instead of the page I was just on!
This is caused by some firewalls that block the HTTP_REFERER. If you can find how to disable that blocking, that would solve the problem. If you can't, don't worry aboout it.

I have other questions. (a.k.a. Something really bad is happenning). Who do I contact?
Feel free to send an email to admin[at] We will try to respond as soon as we can.


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