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37 / Male

Rank: Regular
Posted: February 08 2007 at 04:27 PM

  Why are We so Set on Perfection?

Yes, we've all had our hearts broken by one thing or the other over the years. For the most extent, we've all learned, shed our proverbial tears and moved on.

But why are we so damned determined to find the PERFECT mate? We know there is no such thing as perfection yet we do it anyways. We've all got our standards up there so high that we're just begging to get our hearts broken yet again.

Why? What are the odds of finding Mister/Miss Perfect? Why are we wasting our Life just waiting, sorting through the sows ears trying to find that silk purse? We're wasting so much time and effort in search of the unfindable. Why not just find someone fairly compatable, learn to compromise and move on?
48 / Male

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 09 2007 at 11:49 PM

  bcuz you always look for someone or something better then youve already tried of...done
time passes by so fast that you wanna do everything you possibly can
you want excitment.
35 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 10 2007 at 12:34 AM

  y rush and be with sumone who u might not even end up being happy with? i'd rather "Waste" my time and find the "right" one...
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: February 10 2007 at 08:49 AM

  were all still young here maan what are u talkin about this is a lecture u shud give to not married 40 year olds... obviously this croud is teens, were experiencing and havin fun "sorting thru the sows ears"getin ur heart broken is a part of everyones lives n just teaches you lessons...

37 / Male

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 10 2007 at 09:07 AM

As you said theres no perfection noone's perfect. Perfection does exist and there is someone perfect. But only one person is perfect and its your soulmate and she'll only be perfect for you nobody else.
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 10 2007 at 10:44 AM

  aww thats so sweet
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 10 2007 at 10:44 AM

  i meant for junkie
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: February 10 2007 at 10:58 AM

  yeah we're young, we spend time in the relationship and get our hearts broken by the "fairly compatible," but thats just the process of experimenting with different ppl to try and find someone more compatible who u'll fit in better with,,,and overtime u learn the type of person ull be great with and get closer and closer to "that perfect someone." ....that's how i c it

i think it's bc we always want something better than what we already have/had. (determined) ppl always strive for improvements in their lives. so why shouldnt it be the same with personal relationships?
37 / Male

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: February 17 2007 at 03:18 PM

  Quote: Karinka
  i meant for junkie
no.. I think thats true.. Theres only gonna be one perfect person in your life, and theres gonna be one perfect person in mine, and we even gonna like their bad qualities, well for some time anyway but after just gonna gonna close our eyes on the bad qualities and forgive them everything we can forgive.
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