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Discussion Forum Index / Religion and Politics Forums / The Future of Humanity
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38 / Male

Rank: Addict
Posted: September 16 2006 at 11:57 PM

  We live during times of a global police state, where opinions that question current governments and their essential institutions are severely oppressed. While corporate globalization, a system aimed at short term profit over long term consequences, runs a going-out-of-business sale of the Earth's resources. Anxieties are multiplying as civilization is on the path of ever-increasing acceleration, not know what we are rushing toward.

The environment is disintegrating. The heat rising as the ozone layer thins. Jihad faces off against "McWorld" in senseless wars and televised atrocities. Populations are displaced as cities disappear beneath toxic flood tides. Rouge nations stockpile nuclear arsenals while presidents assure us they will make life better, while increasing social inequities, and rubber-stamping torture.

Military analysts prepare for resource wars fought over water and grain; indigenous prophecies point to an imminent polar reversal that will wipe our hard drives clean. New age cults scan the skies for extraterrestrial apparitions. Old Age religions anticipate Armageddon. Christian Fundamentalists of the American heartland, and members of the White House consider themselves Rapture-ready, living out the script of the Book of Revelations. Best-selling novels predict the return of a Schwarzenegger-like Messiah, mowing down the armies of the faithless.

Why reduce gas mileage or preserve the Earth's resources if the "End of Days" is on its way. Why not instead accelerate the process? The actions of the fundamentalist seem to contradict principals of their sacred texts, they believe that no harm can come to those who are already saved- even the promise of the angels in the book of Revelation to "destroy them which destroy the Earth" causes them no sleepless nights.

We live during times where great emphasis is being placed on god. Religious radicals seem to think god has put his blessings on imperialist wars, territorial violence, and acts of terrorism; to condone free market capitalism and its exploitation of resources, to uphold the sanctity of the nuclear family, while opposing abortion and same-sex unions.

In Ed Ayres in his 1999 volume " God's Last Offer" is a compelling analysis of our global destruction. Ayres picks apart the mechanisms of dissimulation and deception- as well as the much more powerful denial, or will to ignorance- that have obscured the massive changes now taking place around us. "It's likely that a general pattern of behavior among threatened human societies is to become more blindered, rather than more focused on the crisis, as they fall", he suggests. The currently world situation is like a car whose driver responds to the fact that his gas is running out by flooring the accelerator. The naughty thrill of breaking the speed limit distracts from any worry that the ride will soon be over, or any preparation for how it might end.

UN reports tell us our oceans- until recently deemed vast beyond human influence- are 90 percent fished-out, with entire food chains of aquatic life disappearing. Within 40 years at the current rate of deforestation, there will be no tropical forests left on the Earth. Almost every year now sets records for the number of earthquakes, wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and other deluges.

Studies have shown that, due to rapid industrialization of previous 3rd world nations, and rapid population growth, China alone would need an extra 200 million tons of grain per year by 2030, an amount equal to the export capacity of the entire world in 1997- and agricultural yields are failing, due to topsoil depletion, droughts, and unforeseen consequences of industrial farming.

"In addition to 26 or more countries that are now water-deprived, hundreds of additional regions within countries, including large areas within China, India, Mexico and the United States, are water-scarce", writes Ayres. Water and food shortages would lead to widespread migrations and social unrest, inciting short-term authoritarian regimes, followed by global chaos: "Leaders, unable to deliver short term relief, would likely be toppled, and governments would loose their ability to maintain order," Ayres notes. "Millions of people would depart as refugees, spilling over borders in disporas too large to either control or support."

The shrill tone of the mas media and the disregard for science and fact show by our governments- the "will to ignorance" imposing a kind of knowledge blockade- foreshadow the deeper crisis just ahead. Many of us recognize the dangers facing us but refuse to consider them carefully, frozen by anxiety over our own fate and the fate of our loved ones. It is possible, however, that this dread must be overcome, or we risk brining about the result we most fear.

To make sense of this situation, each person has to go through their own individual process, confronting their habitual mechanisms of avoidance and denial, overcoming their fear and conditioned cynicism. This process happens in stages. My own awareness of the global crisis was sharpened by vast and extensive reading over the past 5 years.

Before I became enlightened, I was like most people, I accepted the concrete solidity of modern civilization and believe its institutions would be remain in place. I no longer have that perspective. Mulling over the facts, considering our situation over time, I concluded, sadly, that our current civilization is not a machine built to last. These sobering predictions for the most part are still continuously ignored, but a populous hungry for sex-advice, celebrity gossip, and the literary distractions. The score of the football game, the latest Hollywood movie, fashion trends, and our career dedications (working for our corporate masters), have achieved this ignorance.

Something else is taking place as well- a sidereal movement of consciousness returning us to the levels of awareness denied and repressed by the materialistic thrust of our current civilization. New Age trends often idealize indigenous tribal cultures for their connection to natural forces, modern skeptics dismiss them- our superiority seems proven by our technical acumen, our efficiency in manipulating resources, exploring the tiniest quanta of matter, or shooting rockets into deep space. Considering the current situation-billions of people crowded on an increasingly despoiled world, facing an uncertain future- it is both an improvement and a decline from the previous epoch-tribal societies with populations stabilized at a low level, living in balance, more of less, with the natural world. Similarly , the modern materialist sees Myths of the Old World as antiquated and simpleminded- at best, metaphoric or symbolic. We consider it lost "Ancient Knowledge". (See 12th Planet Post)

These ancient "Prophecies" as science calls them, are nothing of the sort. They are reflections of the Ages which completes the cosmic cycle, to yet be infinite repeated. They are a lost realm of mankind, that the West temporarily forfeited, in order to develop empirical and rationalist thought.

For thousands of years, the genius of the Mayan and Toltec civilizations that preceded the Aztecs were fixated on codifying their understanding of time, memorializing it in their stone architecture and sculpture.(I have explained earlier where they acquired these skills- the Annunaki). According to their precise calculations, the Earth was approaching a cosmic conjunction that represented the conclusion of a vast evolutionary cycle, and the potential gateway of a higher level of manifestation. This approaching milestone also marks a rare astronomical event: the alignment of the Earth and the Sun with the "dark rift" at the center of the Milky Way on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012.

The amount of events that are linked to this exact date are staggering. Whether it's the Return of Nibiru, the Polar Reversal, Environmental Collapse, or Armageddon, one has to conclude that something is bound to happen soon that will change humanity forever
39 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: September 17 2006 at 12:24 AM

  wtf cant read that much
47 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: September 17 2006 at 01:47 AM

  dude wtf?
47 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: September 17 2006 at 01:47 AM

  i mean its totally true...but too much
38 / Male

Rank: Addict
Posted: September 17 2006 at 04:17 AM

  Quote: Whisky
  These sobering predictions for the most part are still continuously ignored, but a populous hungry for sex-advice, celebrity gossip, and the literary distractions. The score of the football game, the latest Hollywood movie, fashion trends, and our career dedications (working for our corporate masters), have achieved this ignorance.

It's perhaps symbolic I quote myself here.

Too long?
How the f uck do you people read books then?
35 / Male

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: September 17 2006 at 12:21 PM

  bro .. wtf is wrong with you people and copying and pasting articles and then starting disscussions.. shit.. make up ur own shit...
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: September 17 2006 at 12:41 PM

  maybe this article has some importance to it, but i wouldn't know... and i books are easier to read because you aren't interupted by 3 msn conversations and the crazy radiation doesn't affect you either, plus i don't have the patience to be at the computer, later days...
38 / Male

Rank: Addict
Posted: September 18 2006 at 09:31 AM

  Quote: Rodik
  maybe this article has some importance to it, but i wouldn't know... and i books are easier to read because you aren't interupted by 3 msn conversations and the crazy radiation doesn't affect you either, plus i don't have the patience to be at the computer, later days...
Subjugated by the "will to ignorance"
38 / Male

Rank: Addict
Posted: September 18 2006 at 09:32 AM

  Quote: Romeo69
  bro .. wtf is wrong with you people and copying and pasting articles and then starting disscussions.. shit.. make up ur own shit...
You are an animated piece of trash.
35 / Male

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: September 18 2006 at 10:10 AM

  Quote: Whisky
  Quote: Romeo69
  bro .. wtf is wrong with you people and copying and pasting articles and then starting disscussions.. shit.. make up ur own shit...
You are an animated piece of trash.

good fuckin come back .. GOOD ONE
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