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37 / Male

Rank: Newbie
Posted: May 11 2006 at 11:56 PM

  The fact is, Religion is just as viable as Science. Neither has been proven. Everything is baised on faith. The Science you all "know" is almost entirely baised on faith in your textbooks and teachers. All of scientific discovery could just as easily be explained as a conspiracy. The same way people "knew" that the sun circled the earth, it was proven science back in the day.

Even moreso though, our science is baised on theories. Even our smallest building block, the atom, and the molecule, are all theories. Nobody can proove them. We can't see an atom, it's too small for even our most powerfull microscopes. You can argue that we will be able to see them soon, but that's supposition. You see, you can never proove everything. For example, if I were to make a statement, all ravens are black. I can't proove that, because to do so, I would have to get every raven, bring them togeather, and proove that all of them are black.
38 / Male

Rank: Addict
Posted: May 22 2006 at 11:33 PM

  Quote: TMoore
  all ravens are black. I can't proove that, because to do so, I would have to get every raven, bring them togeather, and proove that all of them are black.

Which raises the question: if one is not black then would it cease to be a raven?
38 / Male

Rank: Newbie
Posted: June 12 2006 at 12:49 AM

  i think so
35 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: July 06 2006 at 10:17 PM

  i dont belive in god....just man made crap to me
48 / Male

Rank: Regular
Posted: July 14 2006 at 04:57 PM

  Of course there's a God, there is something that created, some spiritual thing...Agree 100% with what whisky wrote on the first page...

Who knows tho, maybe in the afterlife muslims jews christians etc all go to 1 place, these different religions were just a test to see how we react with eachother.

to be true, before your born, life is good. Then your born, and for about 70/80 y ears, it sucks. You die, and it becomes good again. For some reason, God made the middle part so hard.

48 / Male

Rank: Regular
Posted: July 14 2006 at 05:03 PM

  and to be honest, im quite sure God created science ; He gave us the ability to learn things. Plus there's many thigns the science that God gave us will never figure out, many thigns we'll never know, many things that when you think about it just seem impossible, etc etc = THERE IS A GOD. if ur athiest good for u, stfu and live life but personally i know there's a God and no suicidal depressed ignorant athiest will change my mind.
34 / Female

Rank: Senior
Posted: July 21 2006 at 12:35 AM

  i never used to believe in god and even argued in an english discussion that there is no such thing as god and everything happens because we make it happen. then things started to happen that jus tied together and made a lot of sense. now im starting to believe taht everything happens for a reason and god plans out entire life. it just makes sense. there r lots of diff view though and i am not saying that my opinion is final. im jus stating that i feel god plans our life.
32 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: July 24 2006 at 09:03 PM

  Quote: Whisky
  This by no means is an easy answer but I'll try to be brief.

Firstly I have to say, as far as spiritual religion and beliefs are concerned, I have none. So understand everything I am about to convey, is completely from a scientific/ factual-historic view point.

The it real?: YES.

The bible was written moreover as a documentation of times, and should be treated as a collection of facts, not a spirtual story. Regarding comments of "Religion on the other hand was thought up for the purpose of controlling people." is some what true.

Different nations through rewritings and translations, have been albe to control people through twisting the bible. Just like a statisitic, the bible at one point was 100 percent accurate. And just like a statistic,(eg. the decisive use of number presentations that give financial institutions the casino edge ) through devious twisting you can make the bible portray and depict any ideaologies that the manipulator sees fit for his present political situation and/or goals.

Every day scientist and astronomist are discovering conclusive evidence that prove the bibles truth. (Eg. The Star of Bethlehem is actually beleived by many to be an astronomical event such as Hailey's Comet.) Some of the most important bible findings to the scientific/astronomic community have been such translations of cosmic events, not literal translations.

Another example would be great flood. Ancient clay tablets that were excavated in the 1930s in modern Iraq from the days of Mesopotamian Nations have been collecting dust for years in a London Musuem. They have recently been translated and amongst some of these tablets was the story of the great flood.
Mesopotamia which consisted of Assyia, Babylonia, and Sumer, in their times concidered themselves the world, because they were the most advanced civilizations during their peaks.Ground evidence of a flood that covered almost the entire Mesoptamian region has been confirmed, and coincides with the clay tablets story.

It is noteworth that in these times only royalty and the rich were completely or semi-literate, and story-telling was the best way the average person could retain knowledge and history.

I could also get into the real history of Jesus but I have seemed to get off topic. That will be another post.LOL.

So now that we know the bible is infact a history book, that speaks of a god, IS THERE A GOD?

In short, the answer is yes. I would like to first address followers of scientology in this forum. Let it be known that modern science is only catching up to what ancient civilizations had as knowledge. I will get into later discussions regarding human history; where this not being the first time we as humans have been this technologically advanced.

Continuing on, I'd like to shoot down the "big bang THEORY", and the "THEORY of evolution"because it is imperitive to the point at hand: IS THERE A GOD?

I'd like to take this time to mention that, the real question isn't "IS THERE A GOD". The real question is "WHO IS GOD?".

So in my writings both relgious and non-religious, can imformed of the real history, and make your own decisions on how these events took place and most importantly by whom.

The creation of life on earth didnt happen "suddenly" by any means. Life was actually imported to our solar system, which at the time had no life.

For members of the scientific community, it is easy to swallow that life on earth is not a miracle, and is indeed recipricated throughout many other solar systems such as our own. With that in mind I would like to begin.

At somepoint in time (I could get the exact date but truthfully this post is becoming quite lengthy and tiresome), another planet was ejected from a nearby solar system which was full of life,and was sent into the milky way. This planet collided with another planet, which at the time existed between Mars and Jupiter. This collision created the earth, the moon and another planet named Nibiru which also has life(I will expand on at another time). The remaining smaller fragments created the astroid belt.

Now was this GOD playing with the planets when he created life? Or was it simply just a cosmic event? Who is to really say.

Onto the THEORY of evolution, scientist have concluded that all life on earth was created at the same time. Formly, scientist estimated the human genome contained 100,000 - 140,000 genes(the stretches of DNA that direct the production of amino-acids and protiens). Thanks to modern technology they have mapped the entire human DNA genome at just over 30,000. Which is a litte more than double the amount a fruit fly has(13,601).

They have also changed their previous numbers of human and chimpanzie DNA genome comparisons from a 95 percent DNA match to almost a 99 percent DNA match. And a 70 percent match versus the Human and the Mouse!

The human genes, with the same functions, were found to be identical to the genes of other vertebrates,as well as invertebrates,plant,fungi, and even yeast. These findings not only confirmed that there was one source of DNA for all life on Earth, but also enabled the scientist to trace the evolutionary process - how more complex organisms evolved,genetically from simpler ones, adopting at each stage the genes of a lower life form to create a more complex life form - culminating with homosapies.

Basically they mapped all DNA to a style comparaible to the breakdown of electrons,protons,neutrons of elements. And how slight changes of electrons (or in this case DNA strands) can make a big difference in the final element - in this case life form.

Upon these discoveries, in tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in the human and other analyed genomes, that the scientists ran into an enigma.They found the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the evolutionary tree!

Now where did these comes from?

In the evoltional progess from bacteria to invertebrates(such as the lineages of yeast,worms,flies or mustard weed- which have been completely deciphered) to vertebrates which have been completely deciphered(mice,chimpanzees, and now humans), these 223 genes are completely missing in the invertebrate phase. Therefore, the scientist can explain their presence in the human genome by a "rather recent probable horizontal transfer from bacteria".

In other words: at some point in in recent time as far as Evolution goes, modern humans acquired an extra 223 genes NOT THROUGH gradual evolution, not verticallly on the Tree of Life but horizontally, as a sideways insertion of gentic material from bacteria.

To inform people of how much 223 genes plays in the grand scheme of creating life, the human genome is made up of about 3 Billion neucleotides (the "letters" A-C-G-T which stands for the initials of the four nucleic acids that spell out all life on Earth).Of them just a little more than 1 percent are grouped into functioning genes(each gene consist of thousands of these "letters". The difference between one individual person and another amounts to about 1"letter" in a 1000 in the DNA alphabet.

To put it into perspective, the difference between man and chimpanzee is less than 1 percent as far as genes go, and 1 percent of 30,000 genes is 300.
So, 223 genes is more than two thirds of the difference between me, you and a chimpanzee!

Now to quote Steven Scherer, director of mapping of the Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine

"It is a jump that does not follow current evolutionary theories."

"We did not identify a strongly perferred bacterial source for the putative horizontally transfered genes"

So this concludes my post.

Now the Big Bang Theory is bullshit and so is the Evolutionary theory. But the Bible is TRUE for the most part.

Now that you have been enlightened, hopefully this
will change your question.

32 / Female

Rank: SuperGod
Posted: July 24 2006 at 09:03 PM

  ^^ u actually expect ppl to read this!?
36 / Male

Rank: Newbie
Posted: July 25 2006 at 01:31 AM

  hey ppl actually do read it, its pretty much right, everythin he said, but yea i think there is a god, we just dont know what god is, we know god created us, and yes us others said, someone or somethin more technology advanced then us human has prolly created us, thats what i think, aliens most likly...but who rlly knows?
41 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: July 25 2006 at 01:42 AM

41 / Male

Rank: God
Posted: July 25 2006 at 01:43 AM

37 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: August 08 2006 at 09:12 PM

35 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: August 12 2006 at 12:12 AM

  men created God
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: August 12 2006 at 08:47 AM

  I am God!
35 / Male

Rank: Senior
Posted: August 12 2006 at 08:49 AM

  obviously there's a god.
48 / Female

Rank: God
Posted: August 16 2006 at 02:30 PM

  plz proove really like to see what you come up with =P
34 / Female

Rank: Newbie
Posted: August 16 2006 at 02:55 PM

  It depends on what you believe in. I mean, the hindus believe in a bunch of gods with 10 arms each. The buddhists believe in sum prince, elephants and a bunch of crap. The jews believe in David, The christians believe in Jesus and the Musslims believe in Muhammad. These are all prophets that lead to the same God. K, EVERYBODY believes in something, its just a matter of what you call it.
34 / Female

Rank: Newbie
Posted: August 16 2006 at 02:56 PM

  Quote: Sean_I
  plz proove really like to see what you come up with =P

I really dislike people like you. God/Religion is a belief. IF THERE IS PROOF, ITS NOT A BELIEF ANYMORE IS IT?!?!!?!? FUCK
34 / Female

Rank: Newbie
Posted: August 16 2006 at 02:58 PM

  Quote: xxbeautiful7
  Quote: Whisky
  This by no means is an easy answer but I'll try to be brief.

Firstly I have to say, as far as spiritual religion and beliefs are concerned, I have none. So understand everything I am about to convey, is completely from a scientific/ factual-historic view point.

The it real?: YES.

The bible was written moreover as a documentation of times, and should be treated as a collection of facts, not a spirtual story. Regarding comments of "Religion on the other hand was thought up for the purpose of controlling people." is some what true.

Different nations through rewritings and translations, have been albe to control people through twisting the bible. Just like a statisitic, the bible at one point was 100 percent accurate. And just like a statistic,(eg. the decisive use of number presentations that give financial institutions the casino edge ) through devious twisting you can make the bible portray and depict any ideaologies that the manipulator sees fit for his present political situation and/or goals.

Every day scientist and astronomist are discovering conclusive evidence that prove the bibles truth. (Eg. The Star of Bethlehem is actually beleived by many to be an astronomical event such as Hailey's Comet.) Some of the most important bible findings to the scientific/astronomic community have been such translations of cosmic events, not literal translations.

Another example would be great flood. Ancient clay tablets that were excavated in the 1930s in modern Iraq from the days of Mesopotamian Nations have been collecting dust for years in a London Musuem. They have recently been translated and amongst some of these tablets was the story of the great flood.
Mesopotamia which consisted of Assyia, Babylonia, and Sumer, in their times concidered themselves the world, because they were the most advanced civilizations during their peaks.Ground evidence of a flood that covered almost the entire Mesoptamian region has been confirmed, and coincides with the clay tablets story.

It is noteworth that in these times only royalty and the rich were completely or semi-literate, and story-telling was the best way the average person could retain knowledge and history.

I could also get into the real history of Jesus but I have seemed to get off topic. That will be another post.LOL.

So now that we know the bible is infact a history book, that speaks of a god, IS THERE A GOD?

In short, the answer is yes. I would like to first address followers of scientology in this forum. Let it be known that modern science is only catching up to what ancient civilizations had as knowledge. I will get into later discussions regarding human history; where this not being the first time we as humans have been this technologically advanced.

Continuing on, I'd like to shoot down the "big bang THEORY", and the "THEORY of evolution"because it is imperitive to the point at hand: IS THERE A GOD?

I'd like to take this time to mention that, the real question isn't "IS THERE A GOD". The real question is "WHO IS GOD?".

So in my writings both relgious and non-religious, can imformed of the real history, and make your own decisions on how these events took place and most importantly by whom.

The creation of life on earth didnt happen "suddenly" by any means. Life was actually imported to our solar system, which at the time had no life.

For members of the scientific community, it is easy to swallow that life on earth is not a miracle, and is indeed recipricated throughout many other solar systems such as our own. With that in mind I would like to begin.

At somepoint in time (I could get the exact date but truthfully this post is becoming quite lengthy and tiresome), another planet was ejected from a nearby solar system which was full of life,and was sent into the milky way. This planet collided with another planet, which at the time existed between Mars and Jupiter. This collision created the earth, the moon and another planet named Nibiru which also has life(I will expand on at another time). The remaining smaller fragments created the astroid belt.

Now was this GOD playing with the planets when he created life? Or was it simply just a cosmic event? Who is to really say.

Onto the THEORY of evolution, scientist have concluded that all life on earth was created at the same time. Formly, scientist estimated the human genome contained 100,000 - 140,000 genes(the stretches of DNA that direct the production of amino-acids and protiens). Thanks to modern technology they have mapped the entire human DNA genome at just over 30,000. Which is a litte more than double the amount a fruit fly has(13,601).

They have also changed their previous numbers of human and chimpanzie DNA genome comparisons from a 95 percent DNA match to almost a 99 percent DNA match. And a 70 percent match versus the Human and the Mouse!

The human genes, with the same functions, were found to be identical to the genes of other vertebrates,as well as invertebrates,plant,fungi, and even yeast. These findings not only confirmed that there was one source of DNA for all life on Earth, but also enabled the scientist to trace the evolutionary process - how more complex organisms evolved,genetically from simpler ones, adopting at each stage the genes of a lower life form to create a more complex life form - culminating with homosapies.

Basically they mapped all DNA to a style comparaible to the breakdown of electrons,protons,neutrons of elements. And how slight changes of electrons (or in this case DNA strands) can make a big difference in the final element - in this case life form.

Upon these discoveries, in tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in the human and other analyed genomes, that the scientists ran into an enigma.They found the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the evolutionary tree!

Now where did these comes from?

In the evoltional progess from bacteria to invertebrates(such as the lineages of yeast,worms,flies or mustard weed- which have been completely deciphered) to vertebrates which have been completely deciphered(mice,chimpanzees, and now humans), these 223 genes are completely missing in the invertebrate phase. Therefore, the scientist can explain their presence in the human genome by a "rather recent probable horizontal transfer from bacteria".

In other words: at some point in in recent time as far as Evolution goes, modern humans acquired an extra 223 genes NOT THROUGH gradual evolution, not verticallly on the Tree of Life but horizontally, as a sideways insertion of gentic material from bacteria.

To inform people of how much 223 genes plays in the grand scheme of creating life, the human genome is made up of about 3 Billion neucleotides (the "letters" A-C-G-T which stands for the initials of the four nucleic acids that spell out all life on Earth).Of them just a little more than 1 percent are grouped into functioning genes(each gene consist of thousands of these "letters". The difference between one individual person and another amounts to about 1"letter" in a 1000 in the DNA alphabet.

To put it into perspective, the difference between man and chimpanzee is less than 1 percent as far as genes go, and 1 percent of 30,000 genes is 300.
So, 223 genes is more than two thirds of the difference between me, you and a chimpanzee!

Now to quote Steven Scherer, director of mapping of the Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine

"It is a jump that does not follow current evolutionary theories."

"We did not identify a strongly perferred bacterial source for the putative horizontally transfered genes"

So this concludes my post.

Now the Big Bang Theory is bullshit and so is the Evolutionary theory. But the Bible is TRUE for the most part.

Now that you have been enlightened, hopefully this
will change your question.


Good post
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